This post's subject deals with a variety of snow shovels. There is going to be two different ways of dispensing salt onto the ground..
As we learned in class at week 3, excel is extremely functional, and therefore we will be using excel functions to calculate data that is converted from the "maple"(program for formulas). We will write functions to find the most convenient design and then with the help of excel we will find the actual calculations for the product.
The first way, by motion, uses the gravitational force once you start shoveling to help you distribute salt particles. The salt bag, located at the middle of shovel shaft, will contain holes which are covered with tape. In order not to drop snow particles from salt bag when changing your initial position, holes will be drilled at the side of the salt bag so that releasing salt will only occur if you hold the shovel at 45 degrees or more.
Before you begin to use the shovel, you will need to get rid of the tape covering the salt holes. This will allow you to dispense salt particles nice and smoothly. For convenience purposes, when your work is done, you will be able to cover the holes back up so you do not have to use the entire salt at once.